
Showing posts from May, 2023

Paint Recipe which roman used to paint

  furniture paint that was used by the Romans: Ingredients: Milk Quicklime (calcium oxide) Natural pigments (such as iron oxide or ochre) Instructions: Pour milk into a container and let it sit until it sours and curdles. Strain the curdled milk through a cloth to remove any excess liquid, leaving behind a thick curd. Mix the quicklime with enough water to create a paste. Add the natural pigments to the lime paste, mixing well until the color is consistent. Add the curdled milk to the lime and pigment mixture, stirring well until the ingredients are thoroughly combined. Allow the mixture to sit for a few hours, stirring occasionally. Apply the paint to the furniture using a brush or cloth, allowing it to dry completely between coats. This paint recipe creates a durable and long-lasting finish, and the lime helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi, making it ideal for use on furniture. It is important to note that this recipe may vary depending on the region and ti